Archival node extremely slow, shouts errors

Hi, I’ve upgraded my account for archival node access,
I’m using ganache-cli to fork mainnet with it.

Since the upgrade been experiencing errors at times when launching the fork (randomly):

  1. Error: The fork provider errored when checking net_version: Returned error: rejected due to project ID settings
  2. Error: The fork provider errored when checking the nonce for account 2: Returned error: header not found

And biggest issue: The fork is extremely slow, impossible to migrate to since it’s unresponsive.
I tested with a fresh free account (which has limited fork for ~30 minutes) and all works well there, so it’s an issue with the archival nodes.
Please assist asap.

Hi @yoni, and welcome to the Infura community!

As far as your first point, check this thread out to see if you perhaps have some whitelisted addresses/contracts that may be blocking the fork.

For the second, I would suggest checking out this issue on GitHub to see how others were able to fix this.

As far as the fork being slow, Ganache forking is often slow, as it sometimes requires making lots of calls to Infura. In order for us to potentially assist you further, can you share what you’re using the archival nodes for? We may be able to assist with some ideas for optimization.

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