Error 401 (unauthorized)

Hello, I am trying to use photos, names, and information through ipfs for my personal dapp voting project. I have installed the ipfs-http-client library in my project, and I get this error when I register voter information. Can you suggest a solution?

I am a dapp beginner. Thank you.

Language used: javascript (react)

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Hi @Taylor and welcome to our Infura community.

Please take a look at our support tip here → How to upload files on IPFS using React - #3 It will help you get started.

Please let me know if you have additional questions.

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Thank you for your quick reply. I’ll try it. :grinning:

The same problem occurs. Is there a problem with my code?

Hi @Taylor, I can see you need a space between the "Basic " and the rest of the token. Put a space after Basic where you construct the auth header.

thank you. sir.
The infrastructure connection seems to be successful.
But I faced another problem. 400 (bad request) …
The problem occurs when I try to register an image.
I’m so sad.

for your understanding of my poor English. :open_mouth: